Fruitless Fat Bomb Kefir Smoothie

fat bomb kefir smoothie

We love our kefir smoothies, but have been experimenting with them without the fruit. A second fermented kefir, especially orange second ferment is pleasantly sour and very nice to drink on it’s own, but we wanted the added benefits of the egg yolk and extra cream. Here is a yummy Fat Bomb Kefir Smoothie minus the frozen fruit.

Fruitless Fat Bomb Kefir Smoothie
Drink and enjoy your sugar-free pro-biotic, saturated fat nourishment!
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  1. 1.5-2cups of orange 2nd fermented kefir
  2. 2 egg yolks
  3. 1/2 cup of cream(or coco cream)
  4. dash of vanilla.
  1. Place all ingredients in processor and blend.