Pasture Fed Animal Fat


Fat or Famine…..We choose pasture fed animal FAT!  Aside from making food taste great and the sensual pleasures of butter and cream, there are many unsung benefits of animal fats.  “The popular fable, in which saturated fats are the villain, is mistaken…..saturated fats fight…

Smoky Chicken & Bacon


4 Secrets to Nutrient Dense, Nourishing & Delicious Food ~ meat, fat, bone & broth.  Any chef will back us up on the importance of cooking meat on the bone and the presence of fat to add depth of flavour to a meal. However, our taste…

EGGS – are they always what they are cracked up to be?


Googies, bumnuts, cacklberries or eggies! What else do your family call eggs? Unfortunately, the eggs predominantly available in supermarkets today are not the healthy little bundles of nutrition that nature intended them to be. WHY?   Have you ever seen how happy a chook…

Fruitless Fat Bomb Kefir Smoothie

fat bomb kefir smoothie

We love our kefir smoothies, but have been experimenting with them without the fruit. A second fermented kefir, especially orange second ferment is pleasantly sour and very nice to drink on it’s own, but we wanted the added benefits of the egg yolk and…

What’s Wrong with Canola Oil?

We’ve had a few questions about Canola Oil so we thought we’d give a brief summary of why this is not a good choice of oil to cook with,  use in baking or see it on an ingredients list in our packaged food.  Despite…