Pensini Family Fritole’


What is Fritole`?

Fritole` as my italian ancestory new it were a savoury pancake made from whole buckwheat flour and cheese. I remember my Nan cooking them.  My Nan taught my Mum to make them and my Mum taught me!  Unfortunately I do not have my Nan here to tell me more about the stories around this family food.

I turned to Mr. Google and all that I could find was that Fritole` is a sweet italian doughnut or fritter.  This description together with the images didn’t sound anything like what my Nan called Fritole`.  My Dad did often calls it ‘pheasant’ food but I am sure he was not aware of the many nutritious benefits it had to offer.

How do you make Fritole`?

Fritole’ as I know it can be an acquired taste as it uses ‘whole buckwheat flour.  Whole Buckwheat is a new and different experience than hulled Buckwheat.  It makes a courser more gritty textured flour that may take some getting used to.  Fortunately my children love anything with Buckwheat.

These are beautiful served with a fresh garden salad and lots of avocado.  My Nan usually served them as a meatless meal with a Chicory and Potato Salad dressed with Balsamic vinegar.  We have also had them for breakfast with sauteed greens.  They also go well cold in lunchboxes.

The awkward part can be getting hold of ‘whole’ buckwheat flour.  It is quite different to the common hulled buckwheat readily available in most stores and co-ops.  I have adapted this recipe in one way by sprouting the Buckwheat first.  Although Buckwheat is technically not a grain, but rather a seed, it still contains phytic acid and will benefit greatly by being bought to ‘life’ via sprouting to unlock the goodness it holds within! If you can get hold of some whole buckwheat follow these directions for sprouting and then grind your own whole buckwheat flour.

Pensini Family Fritole`
Made from whole sprouted buckwheat flour, Fritole`are like a savoury pancake that can be served as a meal with salad or as a side with other meals. They are beautiful served with a fresh garden salad & some essential avo dip. The children like to take the cold leftovers for lunch.
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  1. 3 cups of sprouted Whole Buckwheat Flour
  2. 3 eggs
  3. 1 cup of finely grated italian cheese (such as pecorino or romano)
  4. 2 cups of water
  1. Blend all ingredients together.
  2. Add extra water as necessary to make a thick pancake batter.
  3. Fry in a buttered pan as you would a pancake, waiting for bubbles to form before flipping.
  1. It can be difficult to source whole buckwheat or whole buckwheat flour.
  2. Buckwheat is easy to grow.


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