You Beauty Lamb Chops


Looking for a quick & tasty recipe for lamb chops?  This is our favourite and is very speedy in a thermo-mix or food processor.  

Sweet Potato Boats

Sweet Potato Boats Camping

Sweet Potato Boats are one of our most loved and famous Royal Breakfasts.  Ensuring a bolognaise (recipe) is always on hand in the fridge, can solve the answer to many a Royal Breakfast that is served quickly and gobbled up without hesitation.  Simply bake…

Pinky’s Warming Beef Stew

Warming Beef Stew Part2

This is one of the simplest stews to make and is an absolutely delicious Royal Breakfast. It is one of those stews that doesn’t take much time to prep but requires you to be at home as the pre-stewing and cooking takes time. Totally…

Farmer’s Best Bolognaise


It’s hard to believe, but I have 50% Italian ancestry and I never ate Bolognaise as a child! My Mum and my Nan made spaghetti sauce using finely diced steak as opposed to mince. That is what we ate with our spaghetti. The recipe…

Bethy’s Poached Turkey

poached turkey

Turkey for Xmas? Turkey for easter? Turkey anytime? Why not?Fortunately we have a friend that supplies us with home grown free-range turkeys in exchange for other goods. It always seems like a task to tackle a huge bird like that….deboning, and making stock.  This…

Beef Rendang

beef rendang

This meal, rich with spices, comes from Indonesia. We often find it impossible to make curries to suit our families as someone is sure to like it super hot, while the children prefer it mild. This is technically not a curry. It is fragrant…

Beef Bourguignon Pie

Beef Bourguignon Pie

  Delicious in the winter months this is a hearty and delicious beef pie. It uses topside or chuck, a more economical cut of meat and when stewed beforehand makes a mouth watering tender pie.

Granny’s Old Fashioned Chicken Soup


A lovely aroma greeted me at the door as I popped in to visit one of my Aunts some time ago. This was an aroma that soothed my soul and took me back to the comfort of my childhood. The aroma drifting from my…

Lamb Stew

Lamb Stew

Originally inspired by a recipe of Jude Blureau’s this lamb stew is often a weekly staple in our households and in fact was a big part of our transition to Royal Breakfasts.  It is easy to prepare and have in the fridge for a quick reheat on…

Sweet Beef Curry

fruity beef curry recipe

Everyone knows a curry is always better the next day. This one is no exception! It is a delicious beef curry that is simple to make and perfect as a quick Royal Breakfast as it just requires heating on the stove top in the…