Beef Rendang

beef rendang

This meal, rich with spices, comes from Indonesia. We often find it impossible to make curries to suit our families as someone is sure to like it super hot, while the children prefer it mild. This is technically not a curry. It is fragrant but not too spicy. Like all curries it is twice as nice the next day making the perfect Royal Breakfast.  Be sure to make more than you need so you have plenty of left overs. A food processor is needed for this one as it involves first making a paste.

Beef Rendang
This indonesian curry is fragrant but not too spicy. Like all curries it is twice as nice the next day making the perfect Royal Breakfast. Be sure to make more than you need so you have plenty of left overs. A food processor is needed for this one as it involves first making a paste.
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  1. 1.2kg of diced beef
  2. 6 Tbs desiccated coconut
  3. 4 cloves garlic
  4. 2 onions (or 6 red shallots)
  5. 4 lemon grass stalks (white ends only)
  6. dried chilli to taste
  7. 4 Tbs grated fresh ginger
  8. 4 tsp turmeric powder
  9. 11/2 tsp salt
  10. 2 teas. of sugar (rapadura or coconut sugar)
  11. 4 Tbs coconut oil
  12. 2 cups of coconut cream
  13. 1 cup of beef stock
  14. 2 teas tamarind water (dissolve 1 teas of paste in 1 tabs water)
  15. 8 stare anise
  16. 1 cinnamon stick
  1. Toast coconut in pan.
  2. Blend together, coconut, garlic, onion, lemongrass, chilli, ginger, turmeric, salt and sugar to a paste.
  3. Heat oil in shallow pan and add paste cooking for 5 minutes until fragrant.
  4. Add beef and sautee' until coloured.
  5. Add rest of ingredients and bring to boil and then simmer until sauce has reduced.
  1. If you are using a tough stewing type of diced beef, you will need to pre-stew the beef for 1-2hrs before starting this recipe. Just put in a pot with a lid on and let it stew in its own juices for a couple of hours on low heat. Add into curry once stewed.
  2. Serve with our cauliflower rice for a grain free option or our famous coconut brown rice.

Serve with our cauliflower rice for a grain free option or our famous coconut brown rice.